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Edelbrennerei and farm inspection

Confidence in to the weekly guides to the founder of the 'First Bäuerlichern Distillery' in the Upper Vinschgau Rudi Gartner in Laas.

He sends her on a journey through the landscape of his fruit distillates and lets them glimpse and taste the essence of this unique valley, the Vinschgau. The delicate aroma of Golden Delicious apples crossed by vanilla traces from timber storage, or the unmistakable aroma of the Williams pear, or pure fruit flavors of ripe apricot and plum umgebenvon slightly bitter almond traces and sweet Zimttönen ... these and other flavors await you.

It is this invitation to Fohlenhof the well and to try fleeting located Verflüchtigendste what a summer can leave in the heart of the fruit and what we made thanks to the Destilliertechnik the alchemists that they have discovered in the search for the philosopher's stone, now in the concentrate to aromatic essences, the senses come together in a Aquavit precious fruits that we often mistakenly called Grappa enjoy.

Own products are: spirit, liqueur and homemaid apple juice. Individuell present packages are possible for every special occasion (wedding, birthday or anniversary).


Open all year by appointment
Mobile: 0039 335-6932000
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Edelbrennerei Fohlenhof Urlaub WorldSpirits 213
Edelbrennerei Fohlenhof Urlaub DSC 0014
Edelbrennerei Fohlenhof Urlaub Fohlen 5329

Laas Schlanders
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Fam. Maria u. Rudolf Gartner
I - 39023 Laas
Vinschgau / Südtirol

Evelyn: 0039/349/1936130
Maria: 0039/335/203719
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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